Friday, November 15, 2013

Blog: Inventos

  Esto invento es porta paraguas. Esto paraguas es permitir gente usar por tú capaz haber su manos libre y quedarce seco en el llover. Yo gustaría inventar un ventilador que pegado a tú y Refrescar tú. Esto estar útil en caliente día.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Novice low writing

  • I can label some familiar things.
Evidence: label 1
              label 2

  • I can copy some characters and words that I see on the wall, in a book, on the board, or on the computer.
Evidence: vocabulario de la cocina

Novice low reading

  • I can connect some characters or letters to their sounds. 
       -Children's book opcion video
  • I can connect some words, phrases, or characters to their meanings. 
       - Genius hour vocabulary list
  • I can recognize words, phrases, and characters with help from visuals.
       -SSR log picture
  • I can follow along on the page when something familiar is read out loud.
       -Cancion page picture

Novice low speaking

  • I can imitate the sounds and words that I hear
Evidence: Coro video
  • I can say the names of familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters using single words or memorized phrases. 
Evidence: Recording of ingredients  
  • I can introduce myself. 
  • I can say short memorized phrases, parts of poems, and rhymes.
  • I can use an appropriate introduction to begin a presentation.
Evidence: Introduction for Steelers 

Novice Mid Speaking (linguafolio 2)

  • I can present personal information about myself and others using words and phrases. 
Evidence: Video of me presenting info about myself and my sisters
  • I can express my likes and dislikes using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. 
Evidence: Video of me explaining my likes and dislikes
  • I can list my daily activities using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. 
Evidence: Video of me listing off my daily activities
  • I can present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Evidence: video of me presenting slides from my steelers presentation

Novice Mid Writing (Linguafolio 2)

  • I can fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.
Evidence: Solicitud General de Empleo
  • I can write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions.
Evidence: List of information about me
  • I can write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.
Evidence: List of my homework

Novice Mid Reading (Linguafolio 2)

  • I can read simple information on familiar topics. 
Evidence: Genius Hour 10
  • I can understand short, simple descriptions, especially if there are pictures or graphs. 
Evidence: Resources for Genius Hour
  • I can recognize words on a list on familiar topics.
Evidence: Club vocabulary
  • I can recognize familiar names, words, characters, and some phrases in everyday situations.
Evidence: Wikipedia opción